Flavours at our table
Eliane Bajon welcomes you to Le Comptoir de nos fermes for lunch, whether you are staying at one of her guestrooms in town, at Le Pigeonnier de Guerre or you simply want to eat in L'Isle-Jourdain in a pleasant and relaxing setting. On the terrace or in the dining room, choose from a wide range of fresh, seasonal products sourced from local producers and 'home cooked' by Eliane. The cuisine served up at Le Comptoir de nos Fermes (just as at Le Pigeonnier de Guerre for dinner) is always adapted to the seasons and your preferences, attesting to the authenticity and quality sought by Eliane Bajon. The dressings are made from our unique range of Soliane oils which let the natural flavours of our fresh produce shine through. At midday, come and tuck into a generous plate of your choice of fresh quality meats (duck, beef, veal and more) produced by local farms, which are also available from our shop. |
Why not come and enjoy a variety of traditional and authentic fare: - Duck breast, - Pork carbonnade, - Gourmet sandwiches, - Selection of salads and much more. We can also make up a picnic basket of quality products for your day trips. Enjoy delicious bread, ham and charcuterie from the farm, wine and more gourmet products. |